Welcome to my personal website!

NEWS: From September 2024, I will start a new position as an Assistant professor (tenure-track) at the Erasmus School of Economics. I will be part of the Behavioral Economics group at the Department of Applied Economics. Very excited!

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Bonn (Institute for Applied Microeconomics) since September 2022.

Beforehand, I worked as a Senior Research Fellow (Postdoc) at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance (Department of Public Economics) in Munich (07/2015-08/2022). I have a Ph.D. in economics from CERGE-EI in Prague, Czech Republic (2016).

Research Interests:
Behavioral and experimental economics
Secondary: Applied microeconomics, political economy, organizational economics, development economics

In my research, I focus mainly on the dark side of human social behavior, such as group biases, antisocial behavior, tax avoidance, and behavior under acute stress. I run economic experiments (lab-in-the-field, lab, field, and online) to study how social and institutional environment affect these types of behaviors.